New Builds

If you have recently bought or built a brand new house and are looking for a few ideas that we have created, check out our profile above or follow us on Instagram and Facebook for up to date projects! Some are original designs and some from blueprinted designs but both are always customizable. We have created landscapes all across the valley. Typically, the last phase in a home build is landscaping, and watching the house come together at the very end is the very best part of the entire project.



Sometimes, the landscaping that already exists doesn’t meet your needs any longer and/or needs to be revamped. Sometimes, something just needs a little help and that’s where we come in! If your landscaping needs have changed or you want to customize your landscape to fit your lifestyle, give us a call and we will find a solution together.


Looking for a new fire pit, walkway or retaining wall? We can do that too! We have completed many flagstone and paver walkways, block and natural stone fire pits and have even thrown in a few retaining walls here and there. Sometimes landscaping isn’t all about the plant life. Sometimes you need something with a function! And if it happens to be ascetically pleasing and copacetic with the plant life, then so be it.


Being water conscious is a trending issue across the US. Gallatin Valley, while slightly behind on the water shortage issue, is making an effort to implement water efficient landscapes in the newer neighborhoods and some of the old, ditching the grass and looking to more eco-friendly options is on the uptick. While its not a look for everyone, installing mixed xeriscaping and landscaping has been a very popular option.